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VigIA: Prioritizing public procurement oversight with machine learning models and risk indices.
A. Salazar, J.F. Pérez and J. Gallego.
Data and Policy, 2024. [Cambridge Open Access]
A workflow to systematically design uncertainty-aware visual analytics applications.
RGC.Maack, F. Raith, J.F. Pérez, G. Scheuermann and C. Gillmann.
The Visual Computer, 2024. [Springer]
A Taxonomy of Uncertainty Events in Visual Analytics.
C. Gillmann, R.G.C. Maack, F. Raith, J.F. Pérez and G. Scheuermann.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2023. [IEEE]
Recent Advances in Machine Learning for Differential Cryptanalysis.
I. Martínez, V. López, D. Rambaut, G. Obando, V. Gauthier-Umaña and Juan F. Pérez.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1924.
Colombian Conference on Computing, 2023. [Springer]
A model-based filter to improve local differential privacy.
J.M. Gutiérrez, V. Gauthier and J. F. Pérez.
LatinX in AI Research Workshop at ICML , 2022. [PDF]
Distribution-free chance-constrained load balance model for the operation planning of hydrothermal power systems coupled with multiple renewable energy sources.
J.L. Morillo, L. Zephyr, J. F. Pérez, A. Cadena and C. L. Anderson.
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems , 2022. [DOI]
RegTech: monitoreo y seguimiento de la actividad financiera en la era digital.
A.J. Useche, J.F. Pérez, J.L. Alayón.
Autorregulador del Mercado de Valores de Colombia, 2022.
sPARE: Partial Replication for Multi-Tier Applications in the Cloud.
R. Birke, J. F. Pérez, Z. Qiu, M. Börkqvist and L. Y. Chen.
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing , 2021. [PDF] [IEEE] [DOI]
Risk-averse stochastic dual dynamic programming approach for the
operation of a hydro-dominated power system in the presence of wind uncertainty.
J. L. Morillo, L. Zéphyr, J. F. Pérez, C. L. Anderson, A. Cadena.
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems , 2020.
Managing Response Time Tails by Sharding.
J.F. Pérez, L.Y. Chen, M. Villari, and R. Ranjan.
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems , Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2019. [PDF] [ACM DL] [DOI]
Chisel: Reshaping Queries to Trim Latency in Key-Value Stores.
R. Birke, J.F. Pérez, S. Ben Mokhtar, N. Ramenshan, and L.Y. Chen.
ICAC 2019 [PDF] [Supplementary PDF] [IEEE Xplore] [DOI]
Differential approximation and sprinting for multi-priority big data engines.
R. Birke, I. Rocha, J.F. Pérez, V. Schiavoni, P. Felber, L.Y. Chen.
Middleware 2019 [PDF] [ACM DL] [DOI]
Holistic Workload Scaling: A New Approach to Compute Acceleration in the Cloud.
J.F. Pérez, L.Y. Chen, M. Villari, and R. Ranjan.
IEEE Cloud Computing , Vol. 5, Issue 1, 2018. [PDF] [IEEE Xplore] [DOI]
Smalltail: Scaling cores and probabilistic cloning requests for web systems.
E.B. Lakew, R. Birke, J.F. Pérez, E. Elmroth, and L.Y. Chen.
ICAC 2018 [PDF] [IEEE Xplore] [DOI]
Impacto de las fusiones y adquisiciones en la eficiencia de la banca en Colombia.
M. Sarmiento, H. Mutis, A. Cepeda, J. F. Pérez.
Revista de Economía Institucional 2018
On the Latency-Accuracy Tradeoff in Approximate MapReduce Jobs.
J.F. Pérez, R. Birke, and L.Y. Chen
IEEE INFOCOM 2017 [PDF] [Slides] [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] Best-in-session presentation award
Power of Redundancy: Designing Partial Replication for Multi-tier Applications.
R. Birke, J.F. Pérez, Z. Qiu, M. Björkqvist, and L.Y. Chen
Dual Scaling VMs and Queries: Cost-effective Latency Curtailment.
J.F. Pérez, R. Birke, M. Björkqvist, and L.Y. Chen
IEEE ICDCS 2017 [PDF] [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] -
Cutting Latency Tail: Analyzing and Validating Replication without Canceling.
Z. Qiu, J.F. Pérez, R. Birke, L.Y. Chen and P.G. Harrison.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol 28, 2017. [IEEE] [DOI] [PDF]
LINE: Evaluating Software Applications in Unreliable Environments.
J.F. Pérez and G. Casale.
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 66, Issue 3, 2017. [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] [PDF]
Algorithm 972: JMarkov: An Integrated Framework for Markov Chain Modeling.
J.F. Pérez, D.F. Silva, J.C. Góez, A. Sarmiento, A. Sarmiento-Romero, R. Akhavan-Tabatabaei and G. Riaño.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2017. [DOI] [PDF] [CODE]
Assessing the Impact of Wind Variability on the Long-Term Operation of a Hydro-Dominated System.
J. L. Morillo, J.F. Pérez, L. Zéphyr, C. L. Anderson, and A. Cadena
IEEE ISGT Europe 2017
Variability-aware Request Replication for Latency Curtailment.
Z. Qiu, J.F. Pérez and P. Harrison.
IEEE INFOCOM 2016. [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] [PDF]
Tackling Latency via Replication in Distributed Systems.
Z. Qiu, J.F. Pérez and P. Harrison.
ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE), 2016. [DOI] [PDF]
Evaluating Replication for Parallel Jobs: an Efficient Approach.
Z. Qiu and J.F. Pérez.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 27, No. 8, 2016. [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] [PDF]
Quantifying the Impact of Replication on the Quality-of-Service in Cloud Databases.
R. Osman, J. F. Pérez and G. Casale.
IEEE Intl. Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS), 2016. [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] [PDF]
Beyond the Mean in Fork-Join Queues: Efficient Approximation for Response-Time Tails.
Z. Qiu, J.F. Pérez and P. Harrison.
Performance Evaluation (IFIP Performance), 2015. [DOI] [PDF]
QD-AMVA: Evaluating Systems with Queue-Dependent Service Requirements.
G. Casale, J.F. Pérez, and W. Wang.
Performance Evaluation (IFIP Performance), 2015. [DOI] [PDF]
Estimating Computational Requirements in Multi-Threaded Applications.
J.F. Pérez, G. Casale, and S. Pacheco-Sanchez.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 3, 2015. [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] [PDF]
Enhancing Reliability and Response Times via Replication in Computing Clusters.
Z. Qiu and J.F. Pérez.
IEEE INFOCOM 2015. [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] [PDF]
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Replication for Tail-tolerance.
Z. Qiu and J.F. Pérez.
Planning Distribution Primary Feeders for Smart-Grid Operation via Network Flow Analysis.
J. L. Morillo, J.F. Pérez, N. Quijano and A. Cadena.
IEEE Power and Energy Systems (PES) General Meeting 2015. [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] [PDF]
Planning Open and Closed-Loop Feeders with Efficiency Analysis.
J.L. Morillo, J.F. Pérez, N.Quijano, and A. Cadena.
PowerTech 2015. [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] [PDF]
Towards a DevOps Approach for Software Quality Engineering.
J.F. Pérez, W. Wang, and G. Casale.
WOSP-C (ICPE) 2015. [DOI] [PDF]
DICE: Quality-Driven Development of Data-Intensive Cloud Applications.
G. Casale, D. Ardagna, M. Artac, F. Barbier, E. Di Nitto, A. Henry, G. Iuhasz, C. Joubert, J. Merseguer, V. Monteanu, J.F. Pérez, D. Petcu, M. Rossi, C. Sheridan, I. Spais and D. Vladusic.
7th International Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering (MiSE’2015). [ACM DL] [PDF]
Assessing the impact of concurrent replication with canceling in parallel jobs.
Z. Qiu and J.F. Pérez.
IEEE MASCOTS 2014, Paris, France, 2014. [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] [PDF]
Cloud computing: Modeling techniques and their applications.
D. Ardagna, G. Casale, M. Ciavotta, J.F. Pérez, and W. Wang.
Journal of Internet Services and Applications, Vol. 5, No. 11, 2014. [Springer] [PDF]
An Offline Demand Estimation Method for Multi-Threaded Applications
J.F. Pérez, S. Pacheco-Sanchez & G. Casale
IEEE MASCOTS 2013. [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] [PDF]
Best paper candidate
Dynamic multi-objective planning for distribution systems with distributed generation
J.L. Morillo, J.F. Pérez, & A. Cadena
4th IEEE/PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), 2013. [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] [PDF]
Assessing SLA compliance from Palladio component models
J.F. Pérez, & G. Casale
2nd Workshop on Management of resources and services in Cloud and Sky computing (MICAS), IEEE Press, 2013. [IEEE Xplore] [DOI] [PDF]
A Fast Newton's Iteration for M/G/1-Type and GI/M/1-Type Markov Chains
J.F. Pérez, M. Telek & B. Van Houdt
Stochastic Models, Vol. 28, No. 4, 2012. [DOI] [PDF]
The M/G/1-type Markov chain with restricted transitions and its applications to queues with batch arrivals
J.F. Pérez & B. Van Houdt
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 487-517, 2011. [DOI] [PDF]
The impact of dampening demand variability in a production/inventory system with multiple retailers
B. Van Houdt & J.F. Pérez
MAM7, the 7th conference on Matrix-Analytic Methods in stochastic models, New York, USA, 2011. [Springer] [PDF]
Quasi-Birth-and-Death processes with restricted transitions and its applications
J.F. Pérez & B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 126-141, 2011. [Springer] [DOI] [PDF]
The effect of partial conversion and Fiber Delay Lines in an OBS switch with a large number of wavelengths
J.F. Pérez & B. Van Houdt
Photonic Network Communications, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 64-77, 2011. [Springer] [PDF]
A Mean Field Model for an Optical Switch with a large number of wavelengths and centralized partial conversion
J.F. Pérez & B. Van Houdt
Performance Evaluation, Vol. 67, No. 11, pp. 1044-1058, 2010. [DOI] [PDF]
Mean Field Calculation for Optical Grid Dimensioning
B. Van Houdt, C. Develder, J.F. Pérez, M. Pickavet & B. Dhoedt
IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 355-367, 2010. [DOI] [PDF]
Markovian approximations for a grid computing network with a ring structure
J.F. Pérez & B. Van Houdt
Stochastic Models, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 357-383, 2010. [DOI] [PDF]
Analyzing M/G/1-type Markov chains with low-rank downward transitions
J.F. Pérez & B. Van Houdt
6th International Workshop on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains (NSMC), 2010. [PDF]
Wavelength Allocation in an Optical Switch with a Fiber Delay
Line Buffer and Limited-Range Wavelength Conversion
J.F. Pérez & B. Van Houdt
Telecommunication Systems, Vol 41, No. 1, pp 37-49, 2009. [DOI] [PDF]
Efficiency Analysis in Electricity Transmission Utilities
A. Cadena, A. Marcucci, J.F. Pérez, H. Duran, H. Mutis, C. Tautiva & F. G. Palacios
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol 5, No. 2, 253 - 274, May 2009. [DOI] [PDF]
Dimensioning an OBS switch with Partial Wavelength Conversion
and Fibre Delay Lines via a Mean Field Model
J.F. Pérez & B. Van Houdt
Exploiting restricted transitions in Quasi-Birth-and-Death processes
J.F. Pérez & B. Van Houdt
QEST, 2009 [DOI] [PDF]
Q-MAM: A Tool for Solving Infinite Queues using Matrix-Analytic Methods<
J. F. Pérez, J. Van Velthoven & B. Van Houdt
SMCtools 2008, Athens, Greece, 2008. [DOI] [PDF]
Minimizing the Cost of Distributed Cloud Resource Provisioning
J.Goez & J.F. Pérez
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2015.
LINE: Efficient Reliability and Performance Analysis of Layered Queueing Models
J.F. Pérez & G. Casale
30th Annual UK Performance Engineering Workshop (UKPEW), Newcastle, UK, 2014.
Restricted transitions in QBDs, M/G/1- and GI/M/1-type Markov chains
J.F. Pérez & B. Van Houdt
15th INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference, Ithaca, New York, USA, 2009.
Benchmarking of Fitting Algorithms for Continuous Phase-Type Distributions
J.F. Pérez & G. Riaño
14th INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2007.
Medición de eficiencia en el transporte de energía eléctrica. Parte 2: Aplicación de Análisis Envolvente de Datos (Efficiency measurement in electric energy transport. Part 2: Data Envelopment Analysis)
F. G. Palacios, J. F. Pérez, D. Parra, C. Chahín & C. Taútiva.
XIII Latin-iberoamerican Conference in Operations Research (CLAIO), Montevideo, Uruguay, 2006.